I, Me and Myself recently met up to discuss the traffic
indiscipline on our roads. Whenever we start our discussions, our consciences
join the same and expose our hypocrisies. They are aptly named as ICON (I’s
conscience), MECON
(ME’s conscience) and MYSELFCON (MY’s conscience).
I hates traffic indiscipline whereas Me justifies it and
Myself is having fun at the expense of the two.
I starts off by saying ` the traffic indiscipline in the
city is getting disgusting’
Me `In such a busy life, traffic discipline becomes the
first casualty?’
Myself `Let us face it I, you are disciplined because you
don’t have the driving skills to be indisciplined’
Me `Ha, ha, that is so correct’
Myself `and you think being indisciplined is the only way to
prove your driving skills’
MYSELFCON `He thinks by being humorous he will get away with the
horrible language he uses while driving’
MECON `He is cunning always swears with the window shutters
up and a smile on his face’
I `Motorists indiscipline create traffic jams’
Me `Why blame citizens when the roads are so narrow and
everybody has to reach on time?’
Myself `Our citizens are capable of creating a traffic jam
even on a 200ft road’
ICON `Traffic Jams happen when people don’t move orderly and
stomach upset happens when people don’t eat orderly’
I `Motorist drive on the wrong side of the road, footpath
and create a chaos everywhere. We don’t have lane discipline’
Me `When there are no vehicles coming from the other side,
what is the wrong in driving on other side of the divider. Even otherwise vehicles
coming from other side can see and adjust themselves’
Myself `as far as footpaths are concerned, if we don’t drive
on it, the shopkeepers will encroach it, so by driving on it we are doing a
service for the pedestrians’
MECON `People don’t mind a switch hit on a cricket field but
on the road they can’t accept it’
MYSELF `The British practiced divide and rule, now the
traffic police is doing the same thing with dividers and lane discipline, we
won’t accept it’
ICON `Also we should stick to our national ideals, united we
stand, divided we fall, so no lane discipline’
I `we park our vehicles wherever we want and obstruct
Me `The shopping complexes should provide for parking place,
either they don’t have one or charge exorbitant rates, so we are forced to park
on the roads’
Myself ` even if we park our cars in middle of the road, we put
the parking lights on, that shows our traffic courtesy’
ICON `The problem is no matter how many hours you park your
vehicle in a no parking area, you pay only Rs.100/-‘
MECON `Even if the Government increases the fine amount,
these guys may demand a tax exemption for it but never follow the rules’
I `Have you seen the number of under aged drivers, chronic
signal jumpers, perennial mobile talking drivers, non-helmet/ /seat belt wearers’
Me `It happens in such a big city, you will find each one
won’t follow a traffic rule for their own compulsions, that does not mean we
are unruly’
Myself `adding to what he said, you don’t have a traffic cop
every 100 meters, so why we should follow the rules’
MECON `we practice unity in diversity as far as travesty of
rules is concerned’
I, Me and Myself left the venue
and in the background, ICON, MECON AND MYSELFCON were singing
Rules, Rules,
Traffic Rules they are never meant for fools
rules makes us feel the king of roads.
Drink & Drive, a few strive
away without punishment helps the tribes thrive.
Triples on a bike is our way of saving petrol
Honk and Honk ensures wheels non-stop roll.
mobiles while driving for non-stop talk
beam lights keeps away the dark.
cares if we look like a selfish shark?
fonts for our number plates
School vans
our devlish egos and greeds.
cops can keep the cameras to catch us
can they fine each one of us
if they do, we will never learn traffic sense
are a free, free, free nation
following the law is only an option.